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About Clarrey Chiropractic and Platte City Wellness

Clarrey Chiropractic and Platte City Wellness exteriorChiropractor Dr. Dylan Guthrie grew up in a small town near Platte City, so opening Clarrey Chiropractic and Platte City Wellness in May 2022 feels like coming home. Helping those in his community is especially fulfilling for him.

Our Mission

Our mission at Clarrey Chiropractic and Platte City Wellness is the create and maintain a healthier community through natural care of the spine, body and nervous system.

Meet the Doctors

A Hands-on Approach

Dr. Guthrie and Dr. Binkley are ready to help you get out of pain and back to your daily activities. Whatever might be wrong with you, come in and let’s see if we can help you naturally and holistically. We want our patients to live their best lives in optimal health, connected to a fully functioning nervous system.

Before beginning treatment, we discuss every aspect of your problem. The diagnosis, care plan, time frame for results, and possible outcomes. Our patients decide whether to proceed or not. We want you to understand and be comfortable with your plan.

Try our non-invasive approach to better health. Chiropractic may be effective for many complaints, issues and problems you wouldn’t even think of. It doesn’t matter what it is, we’ll do our best to help you.

Getting Results With Focused Care

One of Dr. Guthrie’s most fulfilling cases was a woman who came into the office with intense pain that radiated around her whole side. When he touched her back, it was so painful, she was at the point of tears. Dr. Guthrie gave her a couple of adjustments. At the next visit, he was able to modify her care a bit, and give her some exercises to do at home. Her last few visits have been pain free in just a few weeks.

We’re Here to Help You

If you haven’t gotten the results you want and deserve elsewhere, why not see what chiropractic can do for you? Contact our office to make an appointment.

About Clarrey Chiropractic and Platte City Wellness | (816) 858-2633